Papio hamadryas (Cercopithecidae) - Social Behaviour in the Group
[Title Translation]
Papio hamadryas (Cercopithecidae) - Sozialverhalten in der Gruppe [Other Title]
Papio hamadryas (Cercopithecidae) - Sozialverhalten in der Gruppe [Other Title]
Year of origin: | 1967 |
Genre: | Documentary Film |
Locations of shooting: | n/a
Credits |
Production company: |
Max-Planck-Institut für Verhaltensphysiologie (Seewiesen)
First released by: |
IWF (Göttingen)
Distributor: |
IWF (Göttingen)
Author: |
Wolfgang Wickler
Keywords: | Brutpflege, Grooming, Kopulation, Körperpflege, Mammalia, Mammalia, Mammalia, Mantelpavian, Mantelpavian, Papio hamadryas, Pavian, Primates, Primates, Primates, Primates, Rangordnung, Signale, Sozialverhalten, Spielen, brood care, copulation, grooming, grooming, hierarchy, Mammalia, Mammalia, Mammalia, Playing, Primates, Primates, Primates, Primates, Sacred Baboon, signals, social behaviour |