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Atmosphärische Trübung durch Saharastaub: Eine Bildfolge des geostationären Satelliten SMS 1 (Modul 3)   [Other Title]

Atmospheric Turbidity by Sahara Dust. (Modul 3)   [Title Translation]
Année de production: 1980
Genre: Documentary Film
Lieu de tournage: n/a

Author: Martina Köstner
  Heinrich Quenzel
  Günter Warnecke
  Christian Zick
  Benno Carus
  Ute Joßner
Producer: Christian Zick
Special Effects: Christian Zick
First released by: Freie Universität Berlin, Zentraleinrichtung für AV-Medien
Distributor: CDZ-Film (Berlin)
Production company: CDZ-Film (Berlin)
Director: Christian Zick
Editing: Christian Zick
Photography: Ute Joßner

Mot-clés: Saharastaubwolke, Satellitenbildsequenzen, Staubwolke
The pictures taken by the satellite SMS - 1 on the 31st July show a dust cloud that came from the Sahara and was observed over the subtropical Atlantic off the west coast of Africa. It covers an area of about 4.5 million square kilometers. Because of their reflectance, size an dfrequent occurrence the dust clouds affect the radiation budget and consequently the energy budget. The spectral Linke turbidity factor is used for the quantitative description of the optical effects of the dust. Since dust clouds cannot be measured sufficiently thoroughly from the earth's surface, Peter Köpke developed a method which uses images taken by a satellite in the visible part of the spectrum, in cloud - free areas, over oceansfor determining the atmospheric turbidity in each pixel of the image.

Version 1
Langue: deu, eng
Son: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Durée: 6 min

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Version 2
Langue: deu, eng
Son: Sound film
Aspect: n/a
Durée: n/a

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