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Lokales Drama auf internationaler Bühne. Film und der Transformationsprozess des Turu Puccllay mit Kondor in Peru   [Other Title]

A Local Drama on the International Stage. Film and the Transformation Process of the Turu Puccllay with Condor in Peru   [Title Translation]
Produktionsjahr: 1999-2001
Genre: Documentary Film
Drehort: n/a

Author: Andre Affentranger
First released by: IKO-Verlag für Interkulturelle Kommunikation (Frankfurt/M., London)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Sound: Daniel Almada
Production company: Piscucha Film
Editing: Alejandro Miranda
Photography: Andre Affentranger

Schlagwörter: Quechua, filmische Repräsentation, Folklorismus, Ritualinszenierung, Stierkampf, Tourismus, Vermarktung, Volksfest, bullfight, commercialization, festival, filmic representation, folklore, staged rituals, tourism
A form of bull-fight, in which a condor is tied on the back of a bull, takes place only in very few villages of the South-Peruvian Andes. One of these places, Cotabamas, is visited year by year by various photographers and film teams from all over the world with the same objective: to document this cultural event for a foreign audience. The film shows that the difference between documentary and fictional films is not large and that the idealization of other cultures in audio visual representation, as a certain kind of market strategy, thoroughly could be described as a modern form of visual colonization.

Version 1
Sprache: deu
Ton: n/a
Bildformat: n/a
Dauer: 41 min

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