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Euroleon nostras (Myrmeleonidae)   [Title Translation]

Euroleon nostras (Myrmeleonidae)   [Other Title]
Anno di produzione: 1984-1986
Genere: Documentary Film
Location: n/a

Author: Norbert Kaschek
  Klaus Kohlhage
Producer: Hasso Kuczka
First released by: IWF (Göttingen)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Production company: Norbert Kaschek (Münster)
  Klaus Kohlhage (Münster)
Editing: Jürgen Weiss
Photography: Norbert Kaschek, Klaus Kohlhage

Parole chiave: Ameisenjungfer, Ameisenlöwe, Beuteerwerb, Euroleon nostras, Insecta, Insecta, Schlüpfen, Trichterfalle, Ant Lion, funnel trap, Insecta, Insecta, prey capture, pupation
The DVD contains the films E 3005 "Euroleon nostras (Myrmeleonidae) - Eclosion" and E 3006 "Euroleon nostras (Myrmeleonidae) - Pit Construction and Preying".

Version 1
Lingua: NULL
Suono: n/a
Mascherino: n/a
Durata: 15 min

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Diritti IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH

Version 2
Lingua: NULL
Suono: n/a
Mascherino: n/a
Durata: 15 min

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