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Träume und ihre Verwirklichung   [Original Title]

Nazione: Switzerland
Anno di produzione: 1991
Genere: Documentary Film
Location: Celerina, Oberengadin

Production company: AVA Scheiner AG

This movie was made in order of the petroleum coalition zuric with the claim to throw light on the pollution by encreasing petroleum consumption.

It shows the progressive development from 1900 to the year 1990 at an example at the village Celerina. At the beginning are the dreams of an easier life (with cars or oil-heating). As this proceedings became real, only positive reactions were following. But by and by the traffic increases, more and more jam is the result, pollution and noise are the negativ implications. As a solution the usage of lead free fuel is suggested.
At the end several charts were showed about the development of the grwoth of population and the increasing consumtion of petroleum and the data of pollution (carbon, lead, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen), at wich all data are droping, except the data of carbon.

Version 1
Lingua: n/a
Suono: Sound film
Mascherino: 1:1,33
Durata: 22 min

Lunghezza 244 m Request Copy Button
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