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Poštovní autobus v Moravském Krasu   [Assigned Title]

Postovní autobus v Moravském Krasu   [Assigned Title]
Země: Czech Republic
Rok: 1931c
Žánr: Documentary Film
Exteriéry: Blansko:nádraží,budova, řeka Punkva, Macocha

Production company: Comercia Film Praha

Klíčová slova: autobus poštovní, autokar, automobil, Česká pošta, jeskyně, kaštan kvetoucí, logo Česká pošta, pošta, propast, stromy kvetoucí, výletníci, automobile, cave, charabanc, chestnut tree in bloom, Czech Post, Czech Post logo, gorge, post, post bus, tress in bloom, trippers
Outside the railway station in Blansko there are post buses waiting for passengers to take them to caves in Moravian Karst. Outside the caves, the trippers get out of the buses and pose. Along with them, we take a look into the Macocha Gorge. The film is concluded with buses going through the valley passing by trees in bloom.

Version 1
Jazyková verze: n/a
Zvuk: Silent film
Aspect: 1:1,33
Minutáž: n/a

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Délka: 159.6 m Request Copy Button
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Druh nosiče: n/a
Druh materiálu: Polyester
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