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Jewish Life in Krakow   [Original Title]

Země: Poland
Rok: 1939
Žánr: n/a
Exteriéry: n/a

Producer: Itzchak Goskind
Production company: Sektor Films (Warschau)
Director: Saul Goskind
Director of photography: V. Kaszimierczak
Voice: Asher Lerner
Commentary: Asher Lerner

The film focuses on the juxtaposition of new and old in the Jewish quarter of Krakow, Poland. Trams share three-lane roads with horse carriages, the film shows the bustling activity below the canopies of market stalls, sports, games and lively discussions in a park and a school yard. Scenes from Remu synagogue, the old Shul, an orphanage, the Jewish Community Council and various schools document the vitality of this age old Jewish community.

Version 1
Jazyková verze: n/a
Zvuk: Neo-Vox
Aspect: 1:1,33
Minutáž: 10 min

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Druh nosiče: Positive
Druh materiálu: Acetate
Copyright Information S.Spielberg Jewish Film Archive