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Der Neuntöter   [Original Title]

Nazione: German Federal Republic
Anno di produzione: 1986
Genere: Documentary Film
Location: n/a

Director: Attila Csordas
Production company: FWU

Parole chiave: Biologie, Entwicklung, Fortpflanzung, Natur, Ökologie, Verhalten, Vögel, Wirbeltiere, Zoologie
Life of the red-backed shrike [Neuntöter]: habitat and its endangerment by deforestation of hedges, nest-building, clutch of eggs and breeding, nest-cleaning, cast with insect's chitin rests, enemies and defence, description of their migration to the sources of the river Nile and the longer way back using a loop way ("Schleifenzug")
A typical behaviour is to build up stocks of prey animals by spiking them on thorns. That's why people believed that the bird killed nine animals before eating (that's the origin of the name "Neun-töter")

Version 1
Lingua: n/a
Suono: Sound film
Mascherino: 1:1,33
Durata: 15 min

Lunghezza 165.50 m Request Copy Button
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