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NASTUPTE, PROSÍM!   [Assigned Title]

All Aboard!   [Assigned Title]
Země: Czech Republic
Rok: 1960
Žánr: Feature Film
Exteriéry: Praha: ulice

Director: Bořivoj Zeman
Screenplay: Bořivoj Zeman
Production company: Propagační film
Music: Dalibor C. Vačkář
Director of photography: Jan Stallich

The conductor of a tram notices a small inquisitive boy travelling with his mother. He starts talking to the boy. He boasts to him that he gets his uniform free, that he has a magic ticket-puncher and that he can travel free on the Prague transport system. He points out the various types of passengers to the boy. The enchanted boy gets off the tram and his mother remarks that he will certainly become a conductor one day. The merry employee of the City of Prague Transport Company responds saying that it will not happen for a long time and that his company needs new staff right now. Large titles appear on the screen with images of Prague reminding viewers of the advantages open to new employees if they join the City of Prague Transport Company.

Version 1
Jazyková verze: n/a
Zvuk: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Minutáž: n/a

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