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Oggy et les Cafards: Plus dure sera la chute   [Original Title]

Nazione: France
Anno di produzione: 1999
Genere: Trickfilm
Location: n/a

Director: Jean-Marie Olivier
Production company: France 3

Parole chiave: Kakerlake, Katze, Lunch atop a Skyscraper
Jack and Oggie are two cats ( Jack the smarter , Oggie bit clumsy ) . The 3 cockroaches do everything to frustrate Oggie.
Jack decides to build a high tower . Oggie and Jack sleep in the tower, but Oggie starts sleepwalking. The cockroaches set all sorts of traps and Jack has to save him.

Version 1
Lingua: n/a
Suono: Dolby-SR (Lichtton)
Mascherino: 1:1,66
Durata: 7 min

Lunghezza 180 m Request Copy Button
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