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HRÁTKY S ČERTEM   [Assigned Title]

Playing with the Devil   [Assigned Title]
Země: Czech Republic
Rok: 1956
Žánr: Feature Film
Exteriéry: n/a

Director: Josef Mach
Screenplay: Jan Drda
  Josef Mach
Production company: Studio hraných filmů
Music: Jiří Srnka
Director of photography: Jan Stallich

The veteran soldier Martin does not frighten easily. He is not scared of the robber Sarka Farka, neither is he afraid of the devils in the Devil's Mill. In the forest he meets the hermit Školastykus, whose religious manners don't quite appeal to him. The Princes are arriving at the Royal Castle to court Princess Dišperanda who would gladly marry someone, but she doesn't like any of the noble suitors. Her maid Káča also longs for a wedding so the two girls sign a bond with the devil in exchange for his promise of handsome bridegrooms. Káča gives the two bonds to Martin by accident but Martin loses them that evening to the devilish Doctor Solfernus. The unfortunate Martin then sets off to Hell to get the bonds back, and to his surprise meets Káča there. He reaches Beelzebub, gets hold of the bonds and quickly tears them up. Angel Theofil saves Martin and Káča from the devils' rage, and they both make it back to Earth safely. The Princess finds a handsome bridegroom by herself - the huntsman Hubert. And Káča? Martin is going to find it hard to rid of her now.

Version 1
Jazyková verze: n/a
Zvuk: Sound film
Aspect: 1:1,37
Minutáž: n/a

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Délka: 2749.5 m Request Copy Button
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Druh materiálu: Acetate
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