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First Prize,The   [Assigned Title]

HLAVNÍ VÝHRA   [Assigned Title]
Country of Origin: Czech Republic
Year of origin: 1958
Genre: Feature Film
Locations of shooting: Praha: Žižkov, Táboritská ulice, Praha: Žižkov, Olšanské náměstí, Praha: Nové Město, ulice Na Poříčí, Bílá labuť, Praha: Nové Město, ulice Na Poříčí, Divadlo Archa (dříve D 34), Praha: Nové Město, ulice 28.října, Praha: Staré Město, Staroměstská radnice, Praha: Dejvice, Jarní ulice, Praha: Nové Město, Jiráskovo náměstí, Praha: Žižkov, Ohrada, Praha: Vinohrady, náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrad, Praha: Vltava, Praha: Smíchov, Ostrovského ulice, Ženské domovy, Praha: Holešovice, Kostelní ulice, Praha: Vltava, Slovanský ostrov (dříve Žofín), plovárna, Praha: most Legií, Jíloviště: hotel Hubertus, Doksy: Máchovo jezero, Praha: silnice Strakonická, Praha: Nové Město, Mánes, Praha: Staré Město, chrám Matky Boží před Týnem (Týnský chrám)

Director: Ivo Novák
Screenplay: Otto Zelenka
  Ivo Novák
Production company: Filmové studio Barrandov
Music: Jan F. Fischer
Director of photography: Jan Novák

Franta and Alena are getting married and saving together to furnish their apartment. Franta wins a Spartak car in a lottery and becomes a star with his colleagues. Even his superior Ptáček is treating him kindly. However, Franta is going to have a whole series of difficulties. He has to pay a fine, he comes too late to his own wedding and to his date with Alena. They both have to pass their driving test. Franta is looking for a garage and parks his car in a laid up removal van at his friend Pavel's suggestion. However, the van is put back on the road and leaves. As it leaves the Spartak falls off onto the road with the sleeping Franta inside it. Ptáček lets Franta use his garage for a while, under the condition that he buys and clears away the wreck that is dumped there. Pavel demonstrates to Franta how easy it is to make acquaintances with girls when you have a car and Alena gets offended. Franta can't get rid of the wreck, and, together with Pavel and Ptáček, he decides to drive it out of Prague. Pavel uses this to help Franta make it up with Alena. Finally, there is a wedding in the Old Town Hall. Having passed her test Alena sits behind the wheel and the married couple drive into their new life together.

Version 1
Language: n/a
Sound: Sound film
Aspect: 1:1,37
Duration: n/a

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Length 2281.5 m Request Copy Button
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