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Tempo di Twist   [Original Title]

Twist Time   [Assigned Title]
Nazione: Italy
Anno di produzione: 1962
Genere: Documentary
Location: Roma: Villa Borghese (Italia)

REGIA_C: D' Ambrosio, Enzo
Operatore di macchina: Sperani, Mario
Production company: Corona Cinematografica
Montaggio: Trionfi, Bianca
Musica: Potenza, Franco
Speaker: Baviera, Gianni

At a dance a young man stands timidly by himself. Watching his friends having a good time, he feels almost like an outcast. He thinks that if he learnt how to dance, his social life would improve as well. Hence the documentary shows a dancing school class and the people who attend it. While the young man learns how to dance, he soon realizes that this will not help him to find a solution for his shyness and to be more comfortable in dealing with other people.

Version 1
Lingua: ita
Suono: Sound film
Mascherino: 1:1,37
Durata: 10 min

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