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Really Ordinary Sunday,A   [Assigned Title]

Nazione: Czech Republic
Anno di produzione: 1959
Genere: Feature Film
Location: Praha: Nové Město, Národní třída, Praha: most Legií, schody na Střelecký ostrov, Praha: Vltava, Střelecký ostrov, Praha: Nové Město, Národní divadlo, Praha: most Čechův, náplavka pod mostem

Director: Milan Růžička
Screenplay: Milan Růžička
Production company: Studio FAMU
Music: Karel Krautgartner
Director of photography: Alois Nožička

It is a sunny Sunday afternoon. The young people are meeting in the garden restaurant on Střelecký Island in Prague. The orchestra is playing and the people are dancing. Arnošt, who noticed a pretty girl sitting at the next table, bets with his friends that he will kiss her before the evening. Marcela, the girl, has to promise her girlfriends that she will buy them each an ice-cream, if she lets him kiss her. They dance and feel good together. Then they take a walk through Prague. They fall in love, and, when they discover that they each made bets with their friends, they decide to kiss another time and lose the bet instead. On saying their good-byes they arrange to meet the next day...

Version 1
Lingua: n/a
Suono: Sound film
Mascherino: 1:1,37
Durata: n/a

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Lunghezza 437.0 m Request Copy Button
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