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Zkouška letadla A 12 zatěžkáním nosného systému až do zlomení   [Assigned Title]

Testing the Aeroplanes A 12 through Loading the Load-Bearing System up to Breaking   [Assigned Title]
Země: Czech Republic
Rok: 1926c
Žánr: Documentary Film
Exteriéry: n/a

Himself: Čeček Stanislav
  Kolařík František
Production company: Ministerstvo národní obrany

Klíčová slova: armáda, generálové, hangár, komise vojenská, křídlo letadla, letadlo A 12, nosníky, pytle s pískem, závaží železná, zkoušky pevnosti, zkoušky zátěžové, aeroplane A 12, army, bags with sand, generals, girders, hangar, iron loads, loading tests, military commission, strength tests, wing of aeroplane
The film begins with shots of aeroplanes A 12 prepared in a hangar for the strength tests. With bags of sand the workers step by step weight up the wings of the aeroplane. With more layers of weights, sagging of the girders increases. With the seventh layer of bags weighing 8080 kg, the wing of the plane breaks. The course of the preparations for the strength tests of the fuselage of the aeroplane lies in its weighting with iron loads. With the fourth layer, the fuselage of the aeroplane gets deformed under the strain of the load. The camera also shoots a military commission watching the test from benches placed outside the hangar and generals Čeček and Kolařík in a lively discussion. Finally, the landing gear is tested for strength while its axis bears down with the weight increased, however, it does withstand the load.

Version 1
Jazyková verze: n/a
Zvuk: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Minutáž: n/a

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