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Filmavisen : nr. 36, 1961   [Original Title]

Norwegian film journal, 36, 1961   [Alternative Title]
Země: Norway
Rok: 1961
Žánr: Newsreel
Exteriéry: n/a

Photography: Sigurd Agnell
  Carsten N. Wilskow
Commentary: Axel Amlie
Production Company: Norsk Film A/S

1) Matriculation ceremony at the University in Oslo
2) Foundation stone laying at Sogn Technical College in Oslo
3) Topping-out ceremony at the Munch Museum
4) The Ruseløkka bazaar halls are demolished
5) Memorial for the plane crash in Hurumlandet, 1949
6) Premiere of Hungarian movie attended by actors Zsuzsa Gordon and Miklos Gabor, in Oslo
7) Ski show on artificial snow at Momarken

Version 1
Jazyková verze: nor
Zvuk: Sound film
Aspect: 1:1,37
Minutáž: 00:09:00

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Druh nosiče: Positive
Druh materiálu: Acetate
Copyright Information Norsk filmstudio AS