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Ausgewählte islamische Kleinkunst   [Original Title]

Země: German Federal Republic
Rok: 1959
Žánr: Documentary Film
Exteriéry: Kairo, Ägypten

Production company: A. W. - Film; Herbert Lander
Screenplay: Herbert Lander
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit: Prof. Dr. Mostafa
Director: Herbert Lander
Director of photography: Herbert Lander
Music: Oskar Sala

This film belongs to the category "cultural film" and is distinguished with the grade "especially valuable" of the film-assessment-department in Wiesbaden.

The object are kindly provided by the museum of Islamic art in Cairo. Different pieces of ancient art like vases or bowls with ornaments and inscriptions are shown.

Version 1
Jazyková verze: n/a
Zvuk: Sound film
Aspect: 1:1,37
Minutáž: 10 min

Délka: 271 m Request Copy Button
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Druh nosiče: Positive
Druh materiálu: Acetate