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A PROČ.....??   [Assigned Title]

Země: Czech Republic
Rok: 1935
Žánr: Feature Film
Exteriéry: n/a

Director: Elmar Klos
Screenplay: Elmar Klos
Production company: FAB Zlín
Music: Julius Kalaš

A small boy is playing with a toy train and repeatedly asks his grandmother questions, she answers him patiently. She explains to him that she knits socks because she likes knitting and she also tells him that his mother doesn't knit or wear socks like this because she buys machine-knitted women's footwear from Baťa.

Version 1
Jazyková verze: n/a
Zvuk: Sound film
Aspect: 1:1,19
Minutáž: n/a

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Délka: 113.3 m Request Copy Button
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Druh nosiče: n/a
Druh materiálu: Polyester
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