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Norsk filmrevy nr. 22, 1947   [Original Title]

Norwegian film journal, 22, 1947   [Alternative Title]
Nazione: Norway
Anno di produzione: 1947
Genere: Newsreel
Location: n/a

Production Company: Norsk Film A/S

1) Norwegian Airlines opens a flight route Oslo - Stavanger - Prestwick (Scotland)
2) The new holiday paradise at Håøya
3) Norwegian aerial industry at Fornebu
4) The Norwegian Kennel Club organizes a large dog show in Oslo
5) "Vi tegner for trykk" - an exhibition of technical drawings
6) 800th anniversary for the Hovedøya Cloister
7) Ocean Day celebrated in Gothenburg
8) Children's athletics competition in Fredrikstad
9) Bathing life in the Oslo Fjord

Version 1
Lingua: nor
Suono: Sound film
Mascherino: 1:1,37
Durata: n/a

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