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[Johnny Puleo and a harmonica gang, possibly not his]   [Original Title]

Nazione: United States
Anno di produzione: 1956
Genere: Music clip
Location: n/a

Interpreter: Johnny Puleo

Parole chiave: Harmonika, Mundharmonika, Pantomime
A 6 member harmonica band on stage in different types of customes: a sailor, a cowboy, the man from the city etc. They try to perform numbers, but somebody always accidentally hits the man of short stature (Johnny Puleo) who then fights back etc. He evidently is a master of pantomime, and does not need a lot of words. He is also the center of the attention.

Version 1
Lingua: n/a
Suono: Sound film
Mascherino: 1:1,37
Durata: 12 min

Lunghezza 325 m Request Copy Button
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