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The Cell I - Life from Light and Air   [Title Translation]

Die Zelle I - Leben aus Licht und Luft   [Other Title]
Year of origin: n/a
Genere: Documentary Film
Location: n/a

First released by: IWF (Göttingen)
  Quelle & Meyer Verlag (Wiebelsheim)
Production manager: Uwe Sander
Author: Jürgen Bereiter-Hahn
Producer: Ina Siebert, Gertraude Kerlen
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
  Quelle & Meyer Verlag (Wiebelsheim)
Production company: IWF (Göttingen)

Parole chiave: Allium cepa, ArmleuchteralgeXenopus, Blattknospe, Blutblume, Chloroplast, Chloroplastenteilung, Chromatium, Closterium, Commelina communis, Desmidiaceae, Desmidiaceen, Diatomea, Diatomeen, Dreimasterblume, Elodea canadensis, endoplasmatisches Retikulum, Endothelzelle, Fagus sylvatica, FalschfarbenkodierungStärkebildung, Fluoreszenz, Funaria, Glechoma hederacea, Golgi-Apparat, Grünalge, Gundermann, Gundermannblatt, Haemanthus katharinae, Hornklee, Jochalge, Kieselalge, Krallenfrosch, Laubmoos, Lichtsammelkomplex, Lignin, Limnobium stoloniferum, Micrasterias, Mitochondrium, Mitose, Navicula peregrina, Nicotiana, Nitella flexilis, Pantoffeltierchen, Paramecium bursaria, Photosynthese, Plasmamembran, Protomer, Protoplasmaströmung, Prymnesium, Rhodopseudomonas viridis, Rhodospirillum molischianum, Ribosomen, Rotbuche, Rote, Schwefelbakterium, Spaltöffnungsapparat, Spirogyra, Step-down-Reaktion, Stomata, Südamerikanischer Froschbiss, Tabakpflanze, Tagblume, Tradescantia, Vakuole, Wasserpest, Wirkungsspektrum, Zellwandschuppen, Zwiebel, action spectrum, Algae, Asiatic dayflower, Canadian waterweed, chloroplast division, chloroplasts, diatoms, endoplasmic reticulum, endothelium, European beech, fluorescence, Golgi apparatus, green alga, ground-ivy, leaf bud, lignin, mitochondrion, mitosis, moss, onion, photosynthesis, plasma membrane, protomer, protoplasmic streaming, ribosomes, spiderwort, starch development, step-down reaction, Stomata, tobacco plant, vacuole
The cell is the tiniest unit of life. The diversity of its functions is mirrored by its equally intricate structure. For instance, the functions of the human body rely on the successful working of several billion cells in unison. Cell-biological science enters into the very basics of each and every process in living nature. It forms a crucial element in education both at school and university level. The chapter "Function" presents a comprehensive overview of the biochemical processes involved in photosynthesis. A further interactive option is to simulate biochemical reactions in order to reinforce what has been learned. The chapter "Structure" deals with the fine structure of the chloroplast. It makes use of numerous 3-D animations and virtual flight through a chloroplast. The chapter is rounded off with electronmicrographs of a chloroplast from which it is possible to enlarge and highlight certain details. The origin development of chloroplasts is dealt with in the chapter "Development". As in the other chapters, learners become actively involved in the program. The individual cell organelles (e.g. nucleus, cell skeleton, microbodies, mitochondria, vacuole, endoplasmatic reticulum, golgi apparatus etc.) are elucidated in word and vision. Each chapter has provision for a virtual laboratory in which you can plan and carry out a number of experiments. All the films sreened in the learning program are listed and can be accessed individually. By running the quiz you can check your acquired knowledge of cell organelles, function, structure, development of chloroplasts and experiments. There is also plenty of accompanying information, in the form of texts, images, graphics, films and virtual animations, to provide a comprehensive theoretical background to each topic. You can obtain an overview of the entire contents of the program in the index, which you can access from each screen. It displays the complete list of chapters and subjects for you to call up and process.

Version 1
Lingua: deu, eng, ita
Suono: n/a
Mascherino: n/a
Durata: n/a

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