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Amitiés imprévues   [Original Title]

Anno di produzione: 1937
Genere: Documentary Film
Location: n/a
Parole chiave: Haustiere, Tiere
The documentary shows exotic pets and zoo animals in different parts of the world and how they interact with their owners or the staff. You see a child playing with young foxes, a lynx, a leopard which is ownes by a mahadscha and used for hunting, a young child with a wombat, a nanny with a panda, koalas and kangaroos.
During the film a off-voice is telling fact about the shown animals.

Version 1
Lingua: n/a
Suono: Sound film
Mascherino: 1:1,33
Durata: 8 min

Lunghezza 93 m Request Copy Button
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