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MITCHELL AND KENYON 726 LIFE IN WEXFORD (1902)   [Assigned Title]

MITCHELL AND KENYON 726 WEXFORD   [Alternative Title]
  • video
Země: Great Britain
Rok: 1902
Žánr: n/a
Exteriéry: n/a

[Camera Operator]: deCLERCQ Louis
Production company: Mitchell and Kenyon
[Commissioned by]: Thomas, Arthur Duncan
[Shot and Exhibited by]: Thomas-Edison Animated Photo Co.

Klíčová slova: Children, County Wexford, Disadvantaged children, Needy children, Railway stations, Shops, Stations, Street scenes, Street trading, Street vendors, Train stations, Underprivileged children, Wexford
(00.00) main (replacement) title (00.08) WS. large man with moustache and bowler hat
(same man seen at start of M&K 725 with station guard) walks through large stone gateway
outside Wexford Railway Station (?) towards and past camera, along with other groups of men, some
in bowler hats, others in work suits and caps (this is the same location as shots of carts at the
end of M&K 725 - outside Wexford Railway Station) (00.22) busy street scene, Wexford town
centre (?): MS elderly woman in head scarf / ear muffs and younger man stand by handcart selling
vegetables / fruit (?) - crowd of roughly dressed children dressed in dirty jackets and caps
stand around stall looking at camera: religious statue / drinking fountain can be seen behind
them, possibly along side of church? (00.41) MS. old woman in head scarf sits on ground, a small
tray before her displaying fish (?) for sale: dirty, 'urchin-like' children stand either side of
her looking at camera. (00.50) WS. busy 'market square' area: shop in background has only second
part of name visible ..hards (Richards ?): second shop displays part of name ..woulds.: poorly
dressed children stand around, many carrying unidentified bundles (for sale?), handcarts and
horse-drawn carts move through crowds: man carries large basket on his head, women in shawls
carry shopping baskets, other women stand by baskets on the ground (selling goods?) - the whole
busy scene is dark and 'Dickensian' in atmosphere. (01.17) Slightly wider shot of above scene,
(two large gate posts in foreground): couple of men in suits and hats walk towards camera, women
(some wearing shawls) and children stand in background looking at camera: blacksmith's shop front
(?) visible to left of shot (to 01.28)

Version 1
Jazyková verze: eng
Zvuk: Silent film
Aspect: n/a
Minutáž: n/a

» Complete Film
Délka: 69 Request Copy Button
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Druh nosiče: Positive
Druh materiálu: Polyester
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Version 2
Jazyková verze: eng
Zvuk: Silent film
Aspect: n/a
Minutáž: n/a

» Complete Film
Délka: 70 Request Copy Button
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Druh nosiče: Positive
Druh materiálu: Acetate
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» Complete Film
Délka: 70 Request Copy Button
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Druh nosiče: Original negative
Druh materiálu: Nitrate
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» Complete Film
Délka: 70 Request Copy Button
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Druh nosiče: Positive
Druh materiálu: Polyester
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» Complete Film
Délka: 70 Request Copy Button
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Druh nosiče: Positive
Druh materiálu: Acetate
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Version 3
Jazyková verze: eng
Zvuk: Silent film
Aspect: n/a
Minutáž: n/a

» Complete Film
Délka: n/a Request Copy Button
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Druh nosiče: Duplicate negative
Druh materiálu: Polyester
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Version 4
Jazyková verze: eng
Zvuk: Silent film
Aspect: n/a
Minutáž: n/a

» Complete Film
Délka: 70 Request Copy Button
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Druh nosiče: Duplicate positive
Druh materiálu: Polyester
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» Complete Film
Délka: 70 Request Copy Button
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Druh nosiče: Duplicate negative
Druh materiálu: Acetate
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