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Magyar Nemzeti Filmarchívum

The Hungarian Film Archive is contributing information on their collection of Hungarian Newsreels from the Hungarian Film Office (MFI).

The Hungarian Film Office (MFI) founded in 1924 produced the first newsreel in the same year and then every week until 1944. MFI switched to sound technology in 1931 upon producing issue Nr. 400. Between 1945–1948 not only one company produced newsreels. The legal successor of the MFI, Magyar Központi Híradó (Hungarian Central News) produced Weekly News in 1945 – a total of 10 issues. After 1945, several parties appeared with newsreels for a short time. In the same year, Mafirt Krónika (the weekly news of the Hungarian Film Industry Co.) was launched under the auspices of the Communist Party, 112 issues were released. From 1948, its role was taken over by the Hungarian Film News (Magyar Filmhíradó), produced by the New Hungarian Film Office. The film industry was socialised in the same year, the Hungarian Film Production National Company (Magyar Filmgyártó Nemzeti Vállalat) united every branch of the profession – including making news. 55 issues were produced in this series in 1949. The 52 issues of Hungarian Film News (Magyar Filmhíradó) renumbered every year commenced from the first week of April 1949. From 1950, Hungarian Film News was produced in the Hungarian Newsreel and Documentary Film Studio until the change of regime in 1991, expect late October and December of 1956, when newsreels were suspended. Aboved the weekly, thematic and special newsreels were produced in the recent decades. The latter are recorded among documentaries. In addition to the materials edited in Hungary, foreign newsreels can be also found in the Archive.
