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MFI 166   [Original title]

Šalis: Hungary
Metai: 1927
Žanras: Newsreel
Filmavimo vieta: n/a

Production Company: Magyar Filmiroda Rt.

HUNGARIAN NEWS 166. Released by the Hungarian Film Bureau Ltd., Budapest, I. Döbrentei utca 11.
The Hungarian prime minister in Rome.
Count István Bethlen and his wife arrive at the railway station in Rome.
{Termini Station
István Bethlen and his wife arrive with entourage, are welcome}
Italian prime minister Mussolini and Count István Bethlen sign the Hungarian-Italian friendship agreement.
{The act of signing
Mussolini and Bethlen sign the document}
The Italian prime minister handed over the Corvin codexes kept in Italy so far.
{Ceremoniously handing over the books to István Bethlen
The first page of a Corvina}
Count István Bethlen goes from the Hungarian Embassy to Pope Pius XI.
{Bethlen and his entourage visit the Pope
Arriving car in the park}
Initiation of the Csepel cultural centre. Royal Prince Joseph and his wife at the ceremony.
{Building of the Csepel cultural centre
Guests arriving
"Welcome" written with flowers, ceremonial opening, young soldiers' guard of honour and scouts at the ceremony}
Images of the National Officers' Casino Fencing Club woman fencers event.
{Woman fencers
Fencing exercises in groups
Fencing doubles
Tableau of the fencers}
The End

Version 1
Kalba: n/a
Garsas: Silent film
Aspektas: n/a
Trukmė: n/a

Kopijos ilgis: 168 m Request Copy Button
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Kopijos rūšis: Positive
Filmo juostos pagrindas: Acetate
Informaciją apie Autorių Teises Hungarian National Film Archive, Budapest
License Information Film can be licensed