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Sports d'hiver   [Original Title]

Land: France
Year of origin: n/a
Sjanger: Documentary Film
Innspillingssted: Alpen

Production company: Pathé

nøkkelord: Bobrennen, Eishockey, Schlittenfahren, Schlittschuhlaufen, Skifahren, Skispringen, Wintersport
A professional documentary on wintersports, no sound, therefore lots of inserts in french.
Framed are a female competition on ice skates, an icehockey-game, an ice skate-dancer, sledging, bobsledging, skiing, ski jumping and horseraces in the snow.

Version 1
Språk: n/a
Lyd: n/a
Visningsformat: 1:1,37
Varighet: 9 min

Lengde 70 m Request Copy Button
Bestill eksemplar
Kopitype Positive
Filmbase Acetate