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The MIDAS project, which initiated filmarchives online, is currently supported by five institutions under the direction of the Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF. Here you can find general information about the participating institutions, their tasks and aims, their collections and projects.


Bundesarchiv / Filmarchiv (BArch)

Die Abteilung Filmarchiv des Bundesarchivs dokumentiert mehr als 100 Jahre deutsche Filmgeschichte. Sie ist eines der größten Archive dieser Art in der Welt und das zentrale deutsche Filmarchiv.

Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum für Film und Fernsehen (SDK)

Sin dalla fondazione nel 1963, la Deutsche Kinemathek ha catalogato tutto ciò che riguarda storia e tecnologia del film, cinema e televisione. Negli archivi della Deutsche Kinemathek sono conservati circa 12.000 film tedeschi e stranieri, sia muti che sonori.

Fondazione Cineteca Italiana (FCI)

La Fondazione Cineteca Italiana conserva circa 20.000 film di tutto il mondo, dalle origini del cinema ai giorni nostri.

IWF Knowledge and Media

IWF gGmbH i.L.’s Media Transferred to German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB)

LICHTSPIEL - Kinemathek Bern (LS)

Sin dal 2000 l’associazione "Lichtspiel" raccoglie un archivio di film e storia del cinema locali, basato sulla collezione cinematografica del tecnico del cinema bernese Walter A. Ritschard.

Lithuanian Central State Archive (LCVA)

Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas, the Lithuanian Central State Archive, is the biggest one within the state archival service. It comes under jurisdiction of the Lithuanian Archives Department at the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. The main mission of its activity is collecting and safeguarding of paper based and audiovisual documents to future generations, providing permanent public access to its collections.

Magyar Nemzeti Filmarchívum (MNFA)

Il Magyar Nemzeti Filmarchívum (Hungarian National Film Archive) risale a un progetto di Béla Balázs. L’archivio possiede la più grande collezione cinematografica d’Ungheria.

Nasjonalbiblioteket (NB)

The National Library of Norway is responsible for collecting, preserving and restoring the Norwegian film heritage in order to make it available for research and documentation. Its collections include more than 21.000 titles of different formats, genres and origins.

eye Film Institute Netherlands (NFM)

The Nederlands Filmmuseum, which is contributing catalogue data to filmarchives online underwent a merger with Holland Film, the Netherlands Institute for Film Education and the Filmbank. On December 31, 2009, the four institutions pooled their resources to form a new organization under the name eye Film Institute Netherlands. With this merger, the Dutch film world has gained a sector-wide umbrella institute that works to support national cinema culture.

reelport.com (REEL)

The Cologne-based website reelport.com is the only platform world-wide that enables a complete digital submission process for buyers and sellers, film festivals and film archives.

Slovenska kinoteka (SK)

La Slovenska kinoteka è una giovane istituzione che raccoglie una collezione di lavori fondamentali nella storia del cinema mondiale.

Tainiothiki tis Ellados (TTE)

Fondata nel 1950 ad Atene, la cineteca greca detiene la più vasta ed importante collezione di film in Grecia.